Cosvitec offers tangible formal/non-formal educational and job opportunities to young people in search of qualification and specialization, through innovative courses that enable to enter successfully the labour market. Our goal is to meet youth needs of qualified educational planning, and ongoing assistance throughout the training process and after that, through placement actions.
Our main target are young people and adults who wants to enter in the labour markets or to acquire qualification. Through our activities we also address the needs of teachers, NEETs and young entrepreneurs.
Cosvitec has many years of experience in implementing projects in field of Erasmus+. Cosvitec’s staff have participated in various projects, among them: 2019-3-DK01-KA205-074716 Education for Global Responsibility II aimed at strengthening global responsibility education in the youth sector across Europe ; 2019-1-TR01-KA204-074782 Remem – Click me if you forget which aims at developing a multilanguage mobile application to be used by the patients affected by Alzheimer and their relatives; 589689-EPP-1-20171-IT-EPPKA2-CBYACPALA Youth SUCCESSors: Capacity Building for cultural and territorial heritage promotion which aimed at increasing youth employability levels in the countries involved and to generate new innovative practices to support youth entrepreneurship in highly sustainable professional sectors. Besides the aforementioned projects, Cosvites has recevied this year the accreditation in the field of VET.