
The Institute for Promotion and Certification of Agri-food Products (iAgroCert) is a non-profit organization established in Veria, a small but beautiful city in the northern part of Greece. In Veria, the agricultural sector is a significant factor on the economy of the local society. So, the iAgroCert is created to support the strategic development of the primary sector, the promotion of quality products, the enhancement of their brand identity and content quality and their commercial value in markets in Greece and abroad. As an organization iAgroCert aims also to support the networking of producers and businesses in the agri-food sector and create an integrated marketing strategy for local products. 



iAgrοCert goals are: 1. The promotion of agri-food products, 2. Certification of agri-food products through specific procedures, 3. Promoting education in the field of Agri-food products, 4. Research development, specialization and innovation, 5. Representing its members in all Public and Private Agencies, 6. The implementation of public works, 7.The promotion of actions to support innovation in enterprises for their modernization and development, 8. The expansion of the business network and knowledge base, 9 To update and inform members on developments in National, European and international level, 12. The support and implementation of environmental protection and environmental awareness actions and information, 15. The implementation of actions for the protection of cultural heritage, 16. The promotion of actions for tourism development of and tourism promotion, 23. To fight unemployment and social exclusion, 18. The dispersion of innovation within the European area, 19. The enhancement of the environmental protection value and renewable energy resources in Europe and other countries.


iAgroCert aims to the development of collaboration and synergies with bodies on social economy for the dissemination of good practices and the establishment of joint collaborations with Municipalities, Public and  Social Bodies. Also, as an organization has a strong network that consists of bodies having common fields of action like local Governments / Government bodies / Enterprises (private / public law) / Educational bodies of all levels / International organizations / Non-governmental organisations.

Our goal is to promote lifelong learning and initiatives of transnational aspect specifically addressed to young people, adult learners and professionals, through non-formal education, with a great focus on individuals coming from vulnerable groups.



KA226-VET “SOIL: Sowing social inclusion through digital Gardening Training” – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (VET) SOIL is seeking to prevent social exclusion of VET students with disabilities from COVID-19 outbreak.

KA227-YOU “AHEAD: Agri-Food Cultural Heritage Ambassadors” – Partnerships for Creativity (Youth) AHEAD’s main aim is to enhance skills development and competences of young people (18- 30) that reinforce creativity, as well as to boost quality, innovation and recognition of youth work, thus contributing to the recovery resilience of the Agri-food Cultural Heritage sector by making them Agri-food Cultural Heritage Ambassadors.

O.P. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (NSRF 2014-2020) – “reAgroCool: Design and installation cooling chambers of agricultural products using RES” reAgroCool project promotes the design and use of an innovative cooling system using shallow geothermal heat pumps for the maintenance of food and agri-food products.

KA105 “Agrikultura 2” – Youth Exchange Young people, who have an interest in agriculture, are often confronted with the present stereotypes about the work, life and situation of farmers & KA105 “EAT GREEN, BEHAVE CLEAN AND BUILD THE DREAM!” – Youth Exchange  that aims to empower young people to consume more sustainable food and be gathered together against food waste

KA204 “Closing the Gaps: Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Improvement” – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices that aims to strengthen and facilitate professional (and social) integration into the labor market of women aged 20 to 60 (especially those belonging to vulnerable groups).