On 1st March, partners met for three days in Naples for the first Kick Off meeting of the project. This was an important opportunity for partners to meet face to face and to better discuss all project activities and schedule. Partners coordinated their work together and defined the contents of surveys to be carried out during local roundtables in each partner’s country: this activity will be a relevant activity for the whole project and for developing very innovative teaching methods and approaches for the training course which will then be developed. Each partner will now carry out local roundtables before meeting again for the International Workshop.


Today seven different partners met online for the start of the activities of the project Digital Farmer, a new Cooperation Partnership in the Framework of the Erasmus+ programme. This project will involve partners from seven different countries: Cosvitec Università&Impresa from Italy; Pamukkale Üniversitesi from Turkey; Agency for territorial marketing from Slovenia; Accion Laboral Avila from Spain; Business Inovation Council from Romania; Institute for the Promotion and Certification of Agri-Food Products from Greece and Estonian Fieldbus Competency Centre from Estonia.

In March, each partner will be glad to meet face to face for the first Kick Off meeting which will be held in Naples at Cosvitec, project’s coordinator.

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El proyecto "Digital Farmer" ha sido diseñado para responder a las necesidades del sector de la agricultura y la producción de alimentos, que están cambiando muy rápidamente a raíz del empleo de tecnologías digitales.

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