At this point, two manuals will be developed:
–Digital VET Trainer in Agriculture: an organic text for educators and teachers for strengthening competences in distance learning methodologies and in digital tools and application to be used during teaching activities. The manual will follow the structure of the framework developed by the European Commission, DigiCompEdu. The framework is directed towards educators and teachers at all levels of education and details 6 area of competences: Professional Engagement; Digital Resources; Teaching and Learning; Assessment; Empowering Learners; Facilitating Learners’ digital Competence.
–Digital Traineeship in Agriculture: a manual divided in 6 macro-area to update VET trainers in agriculture competences and for organising new work-based learning experiences in digital format. The manual will be divided in 6 macro-area: Decision Support Systems (DSS); Block Chain Technologies; Information and communication technologies (ICT); Nirs and Drones; Farmbot and E-Commerce software, marketing and advertising platforms. Moreover, Digital Traineeship in Agriculture will be a useful tool for the whole teaching community, from policy makers to students.